Last Painting, working title: Going Home, mixed media on panel, 2011
Margaretha Bootsma
In Memoriam
July 31, 1953 - February 9, 2011
Margaretha was born on July 31, 1953 in Den Hague, The Netherlands. Her family immigrated to Canada by ship in
April 1957, crossed the country by train and settled in Vancouver.

Margaretha fought cancer courageously with grace and dignity for two years. On February 9, 2011 Margaretha passed
away peacefully surrounded by her brushes, paints, photographs and drawing supplies in the studio that she built near
the ocean in Comox, BC. She was encircled and lifted by her friends' and families' love, hopes and prayers for her. We
will forever hold her closely and gently in our hearts.
Margaretha had a gift of making all of those around her feel like they were the most special ones in her life, and of
inspiring people to be better than what they thought they were capable of. She greeted each day with a smile, and made
the most of each moment as she gracefully danced through life. She often took chances with her art, and inspired others
to do the same, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones. The art world has lost someone very special.
Margaretha's art legacy will live on through everyone she has taught and inspired, and those who have been moved by
her beautiful, thought-provoking works.
A MEMORIAL and CELEBRATION for Margaretha was held on March 12th, 2011
at the
Bau-Xi Gallery in Vancouver, BC.